Calling Name Delivery

Calling Name Delivery (CNAM) is a service that converts E.164 telephone numbers into names that can be shown on compatible SIP phones. The following API can be used to view and modify the database of CNAM entries for users, usergroups and enterprises.


GET /api/user/cnam

Read CNAM entries of the current user.

Query Parameters:
  • next – optional: phone number of the first CNAM entry to return
  • count – optional: max. number of CNAM entries to return (range: 1…500, default: 50)

Response body example

    "cnam": [{
        "phone": "+492216698712",
        "name": "John Doe"
    }, {
        "phone": "+492216698713",
        "name": "Jane Doe"

    "next": "+492216698714"
JSON Parameters:
  • cname – array of CNAM entries
  • next – phone number of the next CNAM entry or null if there are no more CNAM entries after the current page
POST /api/user/cnam/(phone)

Create or modify a CNAM entry of the current user.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Request body example

    "name": "John Doe"
JSON Parameters:
  • name – Resolved name for the given phone number. Valid characters are letters from A-Z and a-z, digits, &'()*+,-./:;@[]_ and the space character.
DELETE /api/user/cnam/(phone)

Delete an existing CNAM entry of the current user.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Response body example

  • wrong-cnam: The given CNAM entry does not exist


GET /api/partner/usergroup/(usergroup)/cnam

Read CNAM entries of the selected usergroup.

Query Parameters:
  • next – optional: phone number of the first CNAM entry to return
  • count – optional: max. number of CNAM entries to return (range: 1…500, default: 50)

Response body example

    "cnam": [{
        "phone": "+492216698712",
        "name": "John Doe"
    }, {
        "phone": "+492216698713",
        "name": "Jane Doe"

    "next": "+492216698714"
JSON Parameters:
  • cname – array of CNAM entries
  • next – phone number of the next CNAM entry or null if there are no more CNAM entries after the current page
POST /api/partner/usergroup/(usergroup)/cnam/(phone)

Create or modify a CNAM entry of the selected usergroup.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Request body example

    "name": "John Doe"
JSON Parameters:
  • name – Resolved name for the given phone number. Valid characters are letters from A-Z and a-z, digits, &'()*+,-./:;@[]_ and the space character.
DELETE /api/partner/usergroup/(usergroup)/cnam/(phone)

Delete an existing CNAM entry of the selected usergroup.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Response body example

  • wrong-cnam: The given CNAM entry does not exist


GET /api/partner/enterprise/(enterprise)/cnam

Read CNAM entries of the selected enterprise.

Query Parameters:
  • next – optional: phone number of the first CNAM entry to return
  • count – optional: max. number of CNAM entries to return (range: 1…500, default: 50)

Response body example

    "cnam": [{
        "phone": "+492216698712",
        "name": "John Doe"
    }, {
        "phone": "+492216698713",
        "name": "Jane Doe"

    "next": "+492216698714"
JSON Parameters:
  • cname – array of CNAM entries
  • next – phone number of the next CNAM entry or null if there are no more CNAM entries after the current page
POST /api/partner/enterprise/(enterprise)/cnam/(phone)

Create or modify a CNAM entry of the selected enterprise.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Request body example

    "name": "John Doe"
JSON Parameters:
  • name – Resolved name for the given phone number. Valid characters are letters from A-Z and a-z, digits, &'()*+,-./:;@[]_ and the space character.
DELETE /api/partner/enterprise/(enterprise)/cnam/(phone)

Delete an existing CNAM entry of the selected enterprise.

  • phone – phone number in E.164 format

Response body example

  • wrong-cnam: The given CNAM entry does not exist